NO.05 // VIPER

“Welcome to my world!”
  • Real Name
  • Origin
    United States
  • Affiliation
    Valorant Protocol
  • Controller
    Number 05
Contract Skin
"The American chemist, Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple the enemy's vision. If the toxins don't kill her prey, her mind games surely will."

A predator that deals in poison and chemical warfare. She has exploding projectiles that spill acid on the battlefield, as well as a poison-gas emitter, and a toxic gas screen to prevent passage. Her ultimate emits a toxic cloud that conceals her location and can highlight enemies who wander into it.


Snake Bite

EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and slows enemies.
Damage: 25 DPS (200 Max)
Duration: 8s (2s Vulnerable)
Uses: 2
Reset: N/A
Cost: 100
Applies Vulnerable: Damage Taken 2x
Radius: 450

Poison Cloud

EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
Decay: Min 1 HP
Minimum Fuel: 20 (-5 Fuel/s)
Uses: 1
Reset: Pick Up
Cost: 200

Toxic Screen

EQUIP a gas emitter launcher. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.
Decay: Min 1 HP
Minimum Fuel: 20 (-5 Fuel/s)
Uses: 3
Reset: N/A
Cost: 100 (1 Free)

Viper's Pit

EQUIP a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range and maximum health of players inside of it.
Decay: -15 HP/s Inside, +20 HP/s Outside (2.5s Delay)
Duration: 15s Outside, ∞ Inside
Uses: 1
Reset: N/A
Cost: 7 Charges